Saturday, 2 June 2012

  1. Deo Sun TempleSun temple

    Deo One of the most famous Sun temples situated here. Deo is situatedin Aurangabd district of Bihar, 150 km from state capital Patna. Deo isthe most ancient of all sites where the King Aila of Prayaga(Allahabad) was cured of leprosyWhen it was built up, actually it is not known, but it is said thatRaja Ela built up this temple in the year 995. This Sun Temple is 150feet high with an attractive look. Black stones were used and it isamazing that no mortar was used between the stones. In side the temple,three idol of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are being worshiped. It is saidthat Brahma denotes the rising Sun, Mahesh as mid day sun, while Vishnuis being worshiped as setting Sun.
  2. Chhath Puja
    Chhath Puja, although initially organized and celebrated exclusively by the people of Bihar, later it embraced people across the country.Presently research and experiments establish the view that a goodnumber of festivals which have resemblances to Chhath Puja arecelebrated all across the world. So, in a way, Chhath Puja can beconsidered not only as a domestic or national festival but also it’s afestival of international brotherhood and national sensitivity.

    Suryakund Talab

    Deo Kund is an important historic place that forms one of themajor tourist attractions in Aurangabad. Situated 10 km to thesoutheast of the border of Aurangabad and Jehanabad, Deo Kund houses anancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. Thousands of worshippers visitthis temple during Shivratri. As per a legend connected to Deo Kund,Chyawan Rishi took shelter in this temple.

1 comment:

  1. Deo Kund is an important historic place that forms one of themajor tourist attractions in Aurangabad. Situated 10 km to thesoutheast of the border of Aurangabad and Jehanabad, Deo Kund houses anancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. Thousands of worshippers visitthis temple during Shivratri. As per a legend connected to Deo Kund,Chyawan Rishi took shelter in this temple.
